

Released: 2024-01-15

Tags: upgrades

Maintenance release

Bumped laravel framework version

Bumped PHP

Removed deprecated packages


Released: 2020-07-29

Tags: upgrades

Maintenance release

Migrated project away from to

Improved localize import / export

Updated SSO options, and added Jumpcloud

Improved stats loading


Released: 2020-04-08

Tags: upgrades

Maintenance release

Bumped framework 4 major version

Bumped PHP

Bumped Boostrap


Released: 2019-11-05

Tags: message localization,files updated names


Introduced 2 labels for message component okBtn & urlBtn which can be localized app to app


Files creation now have option to pick a filename instead of uuid


Created a stats overview for each application

Added new key type: boolean for localize

Added compare feature to localize publications


Released: 2019-10-01

Tags: feedback updated,scropper,stagger

Introduced Scropper (Smart cropper) as a service

Scropper can indentity focal points in image, very handy to automate good cropping or assist content editors

Introduced Stagger (Smart tagger) as a service

Stagger can identity tags from feedback/bug reports

Massive update to Feedback

  • Using Stagger to predict a tag for easier categorize big chunks of feedback, also included a feature to override stagger tag to collect more data for improving the service

  • Introduced new fields: platform, type (bug/feedback), breadcrumbs, meta

  • Added a Jira integration for sending feedbacks/bugs automatic or manual directly to your Jira board

  • Big update to UI to ease filtering of entries


Released: 2019-09-01

Tags: rate reminder v2,terms,new feature ui,platforms moved out of version control,rate limiter

** Rate reminder **

Is now in a upgraded version 2, with a lot more advanced ways of triggering when to prompt users for giving a app store rating . You can pretty much define a point system with +/-points events, required points / delay to trigger rating reminder . Example could be: A taxi app, following setup could be done:

  • +50 points on app open

  • +500 points on completed trip and rated 5 stars

  • +100 points on completed trip, no rating

  • -250 points on driver cancelling before pickup

Trigger at 500 points with 30 days delay(Delay means, if they click "Not now" they get asked again after 30 days)

This means that should only be asking the user to rate the app, at a happy moment

New feature "Terms"

Here you can create "Terms & Conditions", "Privacy policies", "Cookie policies" etc

  • Version them as they get updated

  • Localize them

  • NStack will store which user have seen which version (compliance requirement for some products)

  • NStack will serve the newest, non seen version in the best fit language (just as localize)

Upgraded ui for feature selection

Moved "platforms" out of version control, since it is shared with feedback (We need to know about app store id / package id)

Removed push logs (Was not used, we consider or more generic "remote logs" feature in the future

Removed links to hockey app installation guides, since hockey app is closing


Released: 2019-08-01

Tags: dashboards,permission system,landing page,documentation page

Permission system

Completely redone user permission system, by default the majority of Nodes employees will be "Admins", that means you can create companies / apps. But do not have access to all apps. Global "Super admins" or "admin/owner" of apps/companies can invite other, by clicking the "People" btn and "Invite". If you do not have access to a company/appLocalize keys can now have a comment

Proposal feature

A new "proposal" feature, where you can long click strings in an application (while in debug mode) and propose a new value. SDK upgrade is required

Many small improvements of ui/ux

Landing page to introduce what NStack is (

Open source doc (


Released: 2019-07-01

Tags: localize publish, files upgrade, deeplink

Minor UI improvements

Localize Resources

Localize Resources (key & value for a language) can now be published as a version (and rollbacked later). This way you can work in the NStack without it goes to production right away. We have also moved the data to a CDN to improve performance. App open V2 is required, which is an update to mobile SDKsImproved “files” for simpler upload flow

Extended on the files feature

it can now be used together with “version control”, to push out releases when not in Google play store (Danske spil)

New deep link system, easier to connect other admin panels and NStack apps, the URL can be found in the same modal as API Keys


Released: 2015-09-01
